GITHUB Copilot Previews Mode Agent

Github added new capacity to his assistant, including the preview of the new agent’s new regime capable of being on its own code. The company also announced the general availability of Copilot modifications in the Visual Studio code.

The update announced on February 6 serves as the development of the Kopilot Github from the AI ​​Peer program after the agent, because, according to Github, agents are becoming an increasingly integral part of software development.

Copilot editing allows developers to specify a set of files to be modified and the challenge of the Copilot in natural language to make changes to multiple files immensely. Agent’s mode allows you to do the Copilot on its own output and the results of this output to complete the user’s request. The regime agent can recognize and fix its own errors, design terminal commands and analyze Runtime errors with your own healing ability, Github said.

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