If network traffic is heavy, it is most effective and provides the best performance that deactivates interruption and running in electoral mode. But when the network traffic is light, the processing of the drive interruption works best, he noted.
“Implementation using only questioning would lose a lot of resources/energy at the time of light operation. Implementation using becomes ineffective in times of heavy operation. … So the greatest energy savings are made when compared to high -performance implementation at times of light operation, ”Karsten said. “Our mechanism automatically detects (the amount of network traffic) and the switches between questioning and interruption to get the best of both worlds.”
In the cover letter on the patch, Damato described in more detail the implementation of the new parameter and noted: “This delivery mode is effective because it has SOFS Softirq improper application processing during a busy period. Can be used with blocking Epoll_wait You want to keep CPU cycles during a period of inactivity. The effect of alternating between busy and idle periods is that power (permeability and latency) is very close to a full busy survey, while the use of CPU is low and very close to interruption of alleviation. ”
Added Karsten: “At the level of nuts and screws, it requires a small application enhancement function and set up a system variable configuration.
And although it can still quantify the energy benefits of technology (the highest case is quoted 30%), he said: “