Notification of the new AWS Asia Pacific (Thailand) | Amazon Web Services

Today we are pleased to announce that the AWS Asia Pacific (Thailand) Region is now generally available with three availability zones and API name ap-southeast-7.

The AWS Asia Pacific (Thailand) is the first infrastructure region in Thailand and the fourteenth region in Asia and the Pacific to join the existing regions in Hong Kong, Hyderabad, Jakarta, Malaysia, Melbourne, Mumbai, Osace, Seoul, Singapore, Sydney and Tokyo . And the Chinese region Beijing and Ningxia.

Lumphini Park, one of the largest green areas in the center of Bangkok with an area of ​​142 acres.

The acceptance of cloud computing has gained considerable dynamics in Thailand thanks to developing business needs and government initiatives such as Thailand 4.0. These initiatives aim to transform Thailand into economics controlled by innovations using new technologies to increase productivity, competitiveness and sustainable growth.

The new AWS Region will help startups, businesses, government agencies, educational institutions and non -profit organizations to operate their applications and serve end users while maintaining data residences in Thailand. This is in line with the Thai digital transformation goals and the growing demand for cloud services. It is estimated to contribute $ 10 billion to Thai gross domestic product (GDP) in Thailand over the next 15 years of planned investment in Thailand and support an estimated average of 11,000 full -time jobs (FTE) . .

Growing presence of AWS in Thailand
Our journey in Thailand began in 2013 with the first AWS office in Bangkok. Since then, AWS has been constantly expanding its infrastructure and land services:

Amazon cloudfront – Since 2020, AWS has established six marginal branches Amazon Cloudfront throughout Thailand. These marginal locations are part of a highly secure and programmable AWS content delivery network (CDN), which is designed to speed up data, videos, applications, and API interface to users around the world with low latency and high transfer rate.

AWS Habit – In the same year, 2020, AWS introduced AWS Outposts on the Thai market. As a fully managed solution, AWS Outposts brings AS infrastructure and AWS services to virtually any local or marginal location, allowing a truly consistent hybrid experience. This service is particularly valuable for workloads that require low latency, local data processing or local data storage.

Local zones of AWS – In 2022, AWS strengthened its obligation to Thailand by launching local AWS zones in Bangkok. This deployment of infrastructure is placed by computing, storage, databases and other selected services closer to the large population, industry and IT centers. As a result, customers can deliver applications requiring one -digit millisecond latency to end users.

Direct AWS connection – AWS founded the AWS Direct Connect in Bangkok in 2023 to improve the connection options, adding a new AWS Direct Connect location with the ASIA Pacific (Thailand) region. Customers can use the AWS Direct Connect to create a secure and dedicated network connection to their AWS resources, providing better network performance and lower bandwidth costs.

Stories of successful AWS customers in Thailand
Organizations in Thailand use our services to support innovation and transformation. Here are some examples:

2C2P, leading Thai startup Fintech, supports AWS for its robust security options. As a provider of multi -channel payment services in Southeast Asia, the company processes millions of customers around the world using the AWS Cloudhsm for cryptographic keys, AWS Shield to protect the distributed service rejection (DDOS) and AWS Secrets Manager to protect sensitive data.

“Through AWS, we have unlocked the ability to scale safely, dynamically and in accordance with the requirements to satisfy the increase in the volume of payment transactions. The AWS CloudhSM plays a key role in meeting the compliance requirements and drives us to accelerate the expansion of business, ”says Myo ZAW, Technology Director of 2C2P.

Acommerce, the largest tool allowing an electronic trade in Southeast Asia, caused a revolution in market information by launching Askiq, a generative function on AWS -based artificial intelligence. This software platform as a service (SAAS) provides the world’s leading brands with complex competitors and the possibilities of tracking category performance across the largest electronic trade websites in Southeast Asia.

Leena Chanvirach, vice president of data products in the Acommerce Group, emphasizes the strategic value of their cooperation with AWS: “Our cooperation with AWS allows clients to double their key competences and business priorities. This best approach from both worlds gives brands a competitive advantage without the burden of building and maintenance of sophisticated data infrastructure within the company. ”

The Ascend Money, the front Fintech company in Southeast Asia, has achieved a 70 % reduction in the cost of computer technology and at the same time improved application performance by up to 40 percent at certain workloads. Ascend Money has implemented a sophisticated computing strategy using Amazon EC2 instances, which has led to significant operating improvements.

“AWS has significantly improved our performance, allowing us to provide our customers more innovative services,” says Peerawit Puangkaeo, head of Ascend Money’s technical operations.

Common building cloud skills
The AWS has built comprehensive programs for cloud education and skills development in Thailand and since 2017 has trained more than 50,000 individuals in cloud skills. Here are some of the programs:

AWS Skill Builder
AWS Skill Builder is an online tutorial where you can learn from AWS experts and build cloud skills online. AWS has made cloud education available to Thai students by offering more than 600 courses, while 106 courses are specially available in Thai. The recent launch of the Amazon AI Ready initiative has further expanded the possibilities of learning, especially in the growing area of ​​AI.

AWS educate
Since its introduction in 2016, AWS Educate has been playing a transformation role in Thai education. The program has successfully integrated cloud computing into the educational curriculum throughout Thailand and provides students with direct access to AWS resources and practical experience. The impact was considerable, more than 20,000 Thai students entered the program. In addition to the education of AWS Educate students, she invested in training Thai educators and prepared them for providing engaging and practical cloud computing courses, which will prepare students for the requirements of the digital economy.

Academy AWS
The AWS Academy helps to connect academic education with the needs of industry since its launch in Thailand in 2017. Through a strategic partnership with more than 30 leading universities and universities across the country, the AWS Academy has created a robust supply of cloud professionals. The program provides educational institutions of comprehensive cloud curriculum computing, which are in line with the needs of the industry and ensure that students complete with practical skills prepared for work.

Through these various AWS initiatives and programs, it does not only provide educational resources, but builds the basis for the digital future of Thailand by helping to equip the workforce with the necessary skills for efficient use of cloud technologies.

Support for sustainable innovations in Thailand
The AWS commitment to sustainability is expanding to support innovative companies in Thailand, which are the driving force of environmental initiatives.

BODA Technology and Counseling
BODA, startup -focused AWS supports, uses AWS Iot Core to develop solutions powered by artificial intelligence to optimize energy efficiency. The company has successfully improved operations in more than 100,000 buildings and factories throughout Thailand, which allows these devices to maximize efficiency while reducing costs and impact on the environment.

GPSC Group
The GPSC Group, a leading company in Sustainable Energy in Thailand, shows how AWS supports the digital transformation of the energy sector. After a merger between Global Power Synergy Public Company and Glow Energy, the group chose the AWS cloud to migrate their operations of photovoltaic solar power plants. In cooperation with the AWS and AWS Partner Dailych, the GPSC Group has reached a 20-25 percent reduction in the cost of hardware, software and license.

Things you should know
AWS community in Thailand – Thailand is home to two AWS Heroes, seven AWS Community builder and more than 17,000 members of the AWS user group. If you are interested in joining the AWS User Group Thailand, visit their Facebook page.

Global track AWS – AWS now covers 111 availability zones in 35 geographical areas around the world. We announced plans for another 15 availability zones and five other AWS areas in Germany, Taiwan, Mexico, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and New Zealand.

The new Asia and Pacific Region (Thailand) is ready to support your business. To learn more, visit the AWS Global Infrastructure page and start building on ap-southeast-7!

Happy building!
– Donnie

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